by Administrator | Sep 28, 2018 | AGM, Announcements, RNS Announcements
The Annual General Meeting of Walls & Futures REIT Plc was held at 1pm on Thursday 27 September 2018. A poll was conducted on each resolution and the results were as set out below. The following table gives details of the proxy votes duly lodged with the Company’s...
by Administrator | Jun 18, 2018 | Announcements, News, RNS Announcements
18th June 2018 Walls & Futures, the ethical housing REIT, has been named Impact Company of the Year at the 2018 NEX Exchange Small Cap...
by Administrator | Jun 1, 2018 | Announcements, RNS Announcements
Walls & Futures, the Ethical Housing REIT, is pleased to announce the appointment of Allenby Capital Limited as the Company’s NEX Exchange Growth Market Corporate Adviser with immediate effect. Walls & Futures also confirms the appointment of Waterstone...
by Administrator | Apr 4, 2018 | Announcements, RNS Announcements
Issue of Shares following first close The Board of Directors is pleased to confirm that at a meeting on 29 March 2018 they accepted Applications for Subscription received by the Company in respect of the Offer contained in the Company’s Circular dated 12...
by Administrator | Mar 27, 2018 | Announcements, RNS Announcements
Extension of Offer Period At a meeting of the Directors of the Company on 26 March 2018, it was resolved that, in the light of continuing interest from existing and new investors, the Closing Date of the Open Offer, upon the terms of the Circular dated 12 February...
by Administrator | Mar 14, 2018 | Announcements, News, RNS Announcements
Walls & Futures REIT plc announced today that for the calendar year ending 2017, its portfolio delivered a total return of 11.5%, against its benchmark, MSCI’s IPD UK Residential Property Index, which returned 7%. Joe McTaggart, CEO of Walls & Futures REIT plc...